Specific Practical Application of Radical Knowledge
Sunday, 19 January 2025
SPARK- Experiment 247:
Also men have a place in Archiarchy.
NOTES: The possibility of Archiarchy was distinguished in 2007 by Clinton Callahan after reading the wake-up alarm given in J. F. Rischard’s 2004 book High Noon: twenty global problems and twenty years to solve them. By the way, the twenty years are over. None of the problems are solved. This makes it self-evident that neither Matriarchy nor Patriarchy create a bright future for humanity on Earth. Neither context provides authentic adulthood initiatory processes, thoughtware upgrades to radical responsibility, economics of nonmaterial value, or a rule of law forbidding hierarchical power structures which are so easily hijacked by psychopaths and their wars. Neither Matriarchy nor Patriarchy distinguish the Being from the ‘Box’ (the ‘Box’ is your psychological survival strategy), distinguish Adult from Parent, Child and Gremlin egostates, distinguish thoughts from feelings, and feelings from the two kinds of emotions (emotions that are incomplete childhood wounds, and emotions that are adopted from external authority figures such as religious, corporate or political creeds), deliver effective Emotional Healing Processes (EHP), and so on, for quite a long list.
Fortunately, a new and contextually distinct culture has emerged on Earth at the same time that Matriarchy and Patriarchy have become obsolete. Women could see this coming because the Women’s Liberation Movement began in the 1960s and never slowed down. It is far easier for women to escape from Patriarchy than for men. Men must defend the Patriarchy because, from birth on, men are the designated ‘Patriarchs’, whereas Women have only been slaves and sex objects. By far, more women than men participate in personal healing and transformational trainings. Women are ecstatic about inhabiting the new context of Archiarchy, while men are being left behind, drinking, smoking, investment gambling, watching sports, and playing silly ‘cowboy and Indian’ games with the other boys.
But men also have a place in Archiarchy. Women deeply long for initiated adult men to join them in this radically magnificent global discovery adventure. Who shall invite the men? Who will give men hints about how it goes? The women? Probably not. How can a man find his place in a culture where the bold intelligence, sparkling awareness, emancipated passion, radical clarity, and glorious vision of the feminine are already abundantly effective? Possibly men can hear it from a man already living there.
This is a mini-catalog offered by a man to men giving 5 practices for men to prepare themselves to occupy their place in Archiarchy. You enter each doorway by experimenting. Not by thinking about experimenting… Not by imagining that you are experimenting… While registering the Matrix Code of an experiment, in the PROOF field, please enter the names of the women who validate your awareness expansion.
In your Beep! Book, list the names of 5 women with whom you will do this practice. Contact the first woman. Say, “I am practicing a skill for being a man in Archiarchy. Will you practice with me?” If you do not say these exact words, this experiment is over. Arrange to meet the woman for one hour, preferably in person, but it also works online. Ask her to keep track of the time. Start by reading these words: “I am learning to become a space of listening. I want to practice this with you. This will not be a discussion. This will be a space where I will manage myself so that you to say whatever you want. Even if you do not know what you will say. Even if you never said it before. Even if you change your mind three seconds later and say something completely different. What I care about is hearing you. I want to listen to you as you speak. I will not argue. I will not comment. I will listen in awe, no matter what you say. I never learned to listen outside of Patriarchy before. I hope that you will speak to me. I trust you. I respect you. I am not in a hurry. I only want to have the chance to listen to a woman speak when she does not have to battle against the Patriarchy while she is speaking.” Then you listen with wholehearted trust and respect. Sometimes repeat back what she says, exactly as she says it, so she knows you heard her. Do not add any of your own shit! If you lose your listening space, if you cannot stay silent and listen for the allotted time, then say, “Please forgive me. I failed. Let me write this down.” Write down exactly the words she said that got you hooked into emotional reactivity. Then say, “I am sorry. I have not learned to listen well enough yet. I will go do my Emotional Healing Processes (EHP) now. Later, if you allow me to, I will ask if I can practice listening to you at another time.” Thank her for letting you try. Then you leave and go home, alone, and you leave her alone. Do your EHPs immediately.
In your Beep! Book, list the names of 5 additional women with whom you will do this practice. Contact the first woman. Say, “I am practicing a skill for being a man in Archiarchy. Will you practice with me?” If you do not say these exact words, this experiment is over. Arrange to meet the woman for 30 minutes, preferably in person, but it also works online. Ask her to keep track of the time. Start by saying, “I have been dead for so long. I am just now learning to experience amazement, and to express appreciation. I never saw it before that you are… you create… you carry… you make others… you represent… you love… ” and so on. Do not stop appreciating her qualities of Being for 15 minutes. Remember, you are not appreciating what she wears, what she owns, what she does for you or others. You appreciate her qualities of Being. Be bold. Say, “You are…” and let your heart and Being fill in the blanks. A woman is a doorway to infinite blessings. There is no end to her wonderment, beauty, or healing.
Modern culture – the capitalist patriarchal empire – is unable to respect your efforts to become Archan because your experiments take place at a higher level of responsibility and consciousness than modern culture allows. The other men in Patriarchy, no matter how ‘nice’ they seem, are not able to understand what you are doing and why you are doing it. Their lack is an ongoing opportunity for you to practice Vacuum Listening, a 3-step listening procedure to get to the core of things. To prepare, read the instructions at <>. Be sure to make notes about the three levels and what to say next to go to the next level down. To further prepare, review about <>, and simply memorize the sentence: “I feel angry / sad / glad / scared… about… because…” Then select 5 additional people from your life – men or women – and arrange to have about 45 minutes with each one individually, in person, in private, for example, on a stroll, at a quite café, or on a park bench. Have some tissues with you. Start by saying, “If you will listen to me for about 10 minutes, I want to practice lowering my Numbness Bar and letting my heart speak. Then if you want, I will listen while you practice lowering your Numbness Bar and you tell me what you are feeling. We can go back and forth a couple of times.” When it is your turn to communicate your feelings, make sure you explore all 4 feelings territories. It is a new skill to let your heart speak instead of your mind. Don’t expect to already be able to do this. Just keep practicing. Remember how you learned to ride a bicycle? First you crashed. Please list the 5 people’s names as PROOF with your Matrix Code.
Men have access to archetypal Nothingness, but since we are trained to be afraid of our fears, we have not learned to make use of the Nothing. Women have access to archetypal Everythingness. But since men are abducted by the Patriarchy at birth and are supposed to ‘know’, men are afraid to ask open ended questions for fear of being overwhelmed by Everything and looking stupid and ‘unmanly’. To prepare, practice entering the Nothingness. For 15 minutes each morning for one week, while standing, sitting, or walking, practice being in the condition of not expecting yourself to know. Stop pretending as if you have the answers. You might discover what a prison break this is, how much more space you have if you don’t have to know. You can breathe easier. You can stop looking around to see if anyone is expecting that you know. After a week practicing being in the Unknown, make a new list of 5 women to meet with for 45 minutes each, hopefully in person. During each meeting, say, “I want to practice asking open questions with you. I want to hear from you.” An ‘open question’ is a question for which there is no known, correct, or ‘right’ answer. It is a doorway to nonlinear possibility, and a space into which a woman can speak whatever needs to be spoken. Because women have access to Everythingness, and because women have been silenced for thousands of years, women have a lot to say. Until now, women have been an undiscovered treasure. Once the volcano blows off its debris, she spews forth pure hot lava, precious for its transformational clarity. Memorize these three open question prompts: “How is it going for you?” “What could change to make it better?” “Can you say more about that?” This last is particularly powerful because the answer is almost always, “Yes!” Your authentic efforts to listen to a woman – rather than trying to take over so that the ‘great male authority’, the ‘man of the house’, the ‘true power figure’, the ‘one who knows’ can speak – creates a highway of trust over which a whole new Archan Universe can be born. Ask her, “How would you design a city?” “How else could we organize ourselves and make wise decisions?” “How should families live together?” “How could children grow up into adult human beings?” “What is important in life?” “How can more love happen?”
Your ‘Stand’ is what your life is about, your central commitment, what you live for, and what you would die for. Most humans never take a Stand. They have not built enough mass in their Being for the Universe to notice. But if you have found this article, you are here enough to take a Stand. Stands are taken for something that matters to you. Start this experiment by listing in your Beep! Book of WHAT TRULY MATTERS TO ME. Do that now. I will wait until you are finished… Now, if you wrote things like: exercising in nature, making a million Euros, improving my website, attracting a thousand true fans… these are all about you. It means you are at the child level of responsibility. It is not bad. It is simply where you are. In the next few months, make this list again. Perhaps at some point on your path, what matters most to you will not be you. One possibility is that you become a Stand for Gaia. What does this mean? It means you are a Stand for Archan women, for children unleashing their amazing potentials, for full green forests, drinkable rivers, thriving oceans, orangutans, elephants, bees, and sparrows. Try to imagine what this would do to the world if you were a Stand for something other than the Patriarchy… something other than your own ego pride… Try to imagine what a woman would become if she could be nurtured without having to ‘pay’. Try to imagine what an Archan woman would see in you if you, for no reason, become a Stand for a sanctuary where Archan women can be seen and heard without being feared. Give a WorkTalk about your Stand for Gaia. Give many WorkTalks about Gaia and your Stand…
Any man born in the Patriarchy does patriarchal sex, where girls are sex toys, there to please your pleasures. That is the only behavior you have patterns for, aside from creating excuses for abstinence. This will be a tough experiment for you to try, but it is central to exiting Patriarchy, and it is worth it, because an entirely different woman appears once she believes and experiences your transformation. The experiment begins by you saying, “I want to renegotiate our sexual intimacies. Are you willing to hear my proposal?” If the woman clearly says, “Yes,” then you say, “I propose that for the next year, I do not initiate sex. I will not touch you in any way. I will not invade your space or try to seduce you in any way. I will not do anything sexually that I have ever done before. I will not try to accomplish sex with you. I will not expect anything sexual from you, and I will be fine. I will still love you, and I will find many ways to communicate that to you. If, at some point after a few months, you have relaxed into the protected space I am making for you as an Archan man, if you find a new home in the free and unmolested state, and if you somehow want physical intimacy with me, I will assume nothing. I will not go back to past behaviors. I am starting over. I want to learn about Archan sexuality, where you as the woman make the invitations, and give me the instructions, rather than me, the man, trying to conquer you to have an orgasm, or to try to make you have an orgasm. What do you say to this?” Then immediately return to doing experiment SPARK247.01 above, namely BECOME A SPACE OF LISTENING. If, after a week or two of you being a listening space, she decides to accept your proposal to start completely over and discover Archan sex together with her, then you say, “Okay. That was only the first part of my proposal. There is also a second part to my proposal. The second part is that you guide me to do only what you want me to do, when you want me to do it, and show me exactly how you want me to do it. You give me full spoken instructions, moment by moment, and you do not allow me to do anything other than what you instruct. I will do nothing from my own initiative. Do you agree?” If she says, “Yes,” then you continue doing nothing sexually and everything else joyfully. Plus you immediately go do your Emotional Healing Processes (EHP) with other men while your unconscious Patriarchal identity hits the wall of reality and smashes completely apart into dust that blows irretrievably away in the winds of transformation. If you succeed, if you do this well, if she keeps finding a basis in reality to trust your Word because you keep the promises you make, a new doorway will open up through which, over the next few years, that which is voluptuously, tantalizingly, voluminously, and naturally feminine will freely start to emerge in your intimate company. And it will blow away your newly made Archan mind.
SPARK - Experiment 247 in no available in other languages at the moment!
If you want SPARK in your own language, join the SPARK Translator Team by contacting Clinton Callahan at clinton(at)
Making your place in Archiarchy,
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